Monday, March 20, 2006


I talked to my students today about our relationship soon coming to an end. I did not see any tears in the crowd and one girl didn't even know i was in the room let alone speaking (you know who you are).
My point in all this is that they will have to start finding resources for advancing their photoshop knowledge on their own. As photographers, photoshop will be an invaluable tool. They don't believe me yet but they will before long.
One resource i have used myself lately is podcasts. You can download itunes from
and then go to the podcast link on the left hand side. Then click on the words "podcast directory" at the bottom of the page. Scroll down a bit until you see the search space and type in these names to start you off:
- russell brown
- photoshop tv
- photoshop tips
In the photoshop tips you are looking for matt kwoskowski killer tips.
I subscribed to them all (free of course) and just double click the subjects you want to watch and click on the little video window at the bottom left of the itunes screen and it will become bigger.
Watch and learn.

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